6 Ways a Walk-in Shower Prevents Injuries

Turning an old bathtub/shower combo into a beautifully tiled walk-in shower looks great. What’s even better is that it can prevent injuries. Converting an existing bathtub into a walk-in shower is a signature service of Scottsdale, Arizona-based company Gainey Flooring has provided  Aging In Place Bathroom and shower Remodeling for Seniors for over 25 years. Here, owner Bruce Berey shares the top six reasons installing a walk-in shower increases daily peace-of-mind for older adults and their families.

1. Eliminates stepping over the tub wall

Stepping into a combo tub/shower can be awkward, even for younger folks. Standing on one foot, shifting weight, and finding your balance requires a degree of coordination. And then you have to repeat the process getting out, when you and the bathtub are wet. Researchers have found that
balance begins to decline at around age 50, and becomes worse with age. Walking into a shower, instead of climbing over a bathtub surround, instantly diminishes the risk of falling.

2. Puts shower controls within easy reach

In a typical shower/tub combo, adjusting water temperature often means stretching over the tub surround to reach the controls, or even climbing into the tub itself. Installing a walk-in shower means you can have the controls placed immediately inside the shower door for easy access before you even step in.

3. Creates a non-slick surface that prevents slipping

By their nature, bathtub interiors are smooth, which is fine when you’re sitting in the tub, not so fine when you’re standing. The non-slip tiles and grout used on walk-in shower bases provide a more textured surface that significantly enhances stability.

4. Provides support with a grab bar

Grab bars are to showers what railings are to staircases. They provide steadiness and security when getting in or out of the shower, retrieving a bar of soap, or scrubbing a foot.

5. Reduces awkward balancing with shower seats and hand-held fixtures

Whether because of an injury or a mobility issue, there may come a time when standing in the shower becomes difficult. To the rescue: a built-in shower seat and hand-held showerhead, items that are also critical should someone require assistance in bathing. The good news is that these are great accessories regardless of the user’s physical needs. A built-in seat makes leg-shaving easier and acts as a generous ledge for bath products, and a hand-held showerhead is a game-changer when washing kids and dogs.

6. Eases bathroom cleaning

Cleaning a bathtub can do a number on your back and knees — you have to lean over the tub to scrub the base and walls, and the deeper the tub, the greater the difficulty. By contrast, cleaning a walk-in shower means stepping inside and spritzing the walls.

To witness the transformative impact of Aging In Place Solutions walk-in shower conversions, read more about shower accessibility solutions for seniors in Phoenix, and there you can view stunning before-and-after examples. For a cost-free consultation with owner Bruce Berey, call 602-989-8255 and take the first step towards a safer and more stylish bathroom experience.